Sunday, March 11, 2012

"The End of Suburbia" screening. A recap of the film and attendees.

"The consequences of inaction in the face of this global crisis are enormous. What does Oil Peak mean for North America? As energy prices skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia react to the collapse of their dream? Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of tomorrow? And what can be done NOW, individually and collectively, to avoid The End of Suburbia ?"

See the Official Site for In:

"The End of Suburbia" promo trailer:

Hello all;

I attended "The End of Suburbia" screening last night.  The lecture hall was full.  A lot of interest, many students from planning department, and probably 20 community members + one guy recruiting for Greenpeace.  Somewhat forced/tense discussion afterwards.  It was brought up that we are currently having a cheap supply of natural gas which may extend the viability of suburbia for some time, but because the methods to extract it (fracking) are extreme, it seems that we are still going to have  an energy crisis, just a little further down the road.  An officer of the Smart Growth club stated that she thinks we will gradually transition to more local living over the next 30-50 years, which bears evidence that the students may not see the issue as urgent, and that we have a lifetime to handle the transition.  The 2004 film states that we have reached peak oil and hence, we are in the crisis/transition right now…that we cannot grow (sprawl) anymore because the "cheap" resources have been depleted.  Our current/ongoing economic collapse is bearing evidence to the contraction of resources.  I found a good short article connecting the dots between job loss, lack of growth and peak oil:  

A state planner for Salisbury named Keith Lackie mentioned to the audience that "we need more planners."  I told him that I was a jobless architect and that possibly the current economic crisis, in reality, is our transition from peak oil, because shortly after gas prices hit $4 a gallon, the economy tanked.  I mentioned our efforts to start a transition town movement and that our first project might be to make Salisbury more bike-able.  In terms of aesthetics, he told me that Salisbury's main challenge in becoming a beautiful place to live is that 70% of the city's housing is rentals.  He spends most of his work day as a planner focusing on water management and infrastructure issues.  The bus system is run by a tri-county organization.  I looked at the Shore transit website and discovered that it would cost me  a dollar less to take the bus from Delmar to SBY than to drive, but it would take an hour!  It would take three hours to get to Ocean City via shore transit- that's half the day- what agony!  Check out the trip planner on their website:



Interesting Links on Energy and Politics

Below are some suggested reads that relate to the group.  Feel free to leave comments/ideas about any of the articles.

Lots of good P.O. info on these sites, just a small representation of what is out there... -  Always an entertaining read on a Monday morning. -  "crash course" is a great primer.


The link directs you to a pretty hopeful story about a renewable energy initiative in an unlikely place and undertaken as a reaction to the energy reality.


Transition Primer - Information on Building a Transition Network

Here's the contents of the primer:
  1. Introduction
  2. Why Transition initiatives are necessary
  3. More about Peak Oil
  4. Taking action: the big picture - initiatives at global, national and local levels
  5. The Transition Model – what exactly is it?
  6. Kinsale 2021 – an Energy Descent Action Plan
  7. Transition Town Totnes
  8. Other Transition initiatives
  9. Setting up your Transition Initiative – criteria
  10. Setting up your Transition Initiative – different types
  11. Setting up your Transition Initiative – formal structures and constitutions (boredom alert!!)
  12. Starting a Transition Initiative – 7 “buts”
  13. The 12 steps to Transition, including energy descent planning
  14. The wider context of Transition
  15. Questions of leadership and structure
  16. The role of local government
  17. Getting businesses involved
  18. Movies for raising awareness
  19. Transition Network
  20. Conclusion
  21. Further Reading

February 20, 2012 - 3rd Meeting!

* Transition Salisbury Blog & webpage was set up for us by Tracy, where our minutes are posted

* Film screening on campus this Thursday “End of Suburbia” – sponsored by WET and a student campus    grp. Feb 23rd

*Logo for Transition Town Salisbury (TTS) is being worked on by Elizabeth

Go round/ Discussions:

1.       Level of community awareness/understanding a concern – slow to change ways w/o
A true crisis or need.   Permaculture workshops can be held based on materials Pica’s have!  has Permaculture info.

2.       How can the idea of a “Transition Town” become a household concept?  What would be a
Good 1 – liner to explain what it is?  (let’s try to think of some).   A do it yourself solar panel
Workshop might have wide appeal .

3.        Diversity/inclusiveness is important, so that poor communities w/ little green space participate,
Benefit & improve, rather than being a “priviledged” university affiliated movement only.  How to do outreach and include these communities?  Community gardens/permaculture.

4.       Setting goals is important – short term & long term and creating a time line.

5.       Spearheading bike lanes for the area important; help heal fractured layout of Salisbury.
A bike corridor running fr S. Salisbury to north Sal. East of 13 has been discussed by local
Officials.   Bike friendly town is good for business.   Kevin will investigate what has to happen
In terms of local govt for bike paths to happen.  Bike store south of SU may know of key networking folks regarding bike paths. 

6.        Also fragmented are the different groups on campus & in the area working on environmental
And similar initiatives.  How to bring them together to create a critical mass / work together?

7.        Would a website help give TTS a “home” and a “center”?  A steering committee is needed to
Keep TTS moving.   Lists started of potential area partners & folks w/ skills for reskilling workshops.    Bake sale at Green Earth book awards to raise $ for Transition Town Handbooks
For steering committee members?   For next year possibly a childrens writing project idea; area
School children write stories envisioning “transitioned” Salisbury and anthology created, children honored in ceremony at Green Earth Book awards. 

Overall process issues:   How to really get started.  How to raise awareness & educate the community?  Where to start w/ a Transition Town Movement – how to get it moving. 

Let’s think about:  creating the committee, goals, meeting format (agenda?)

Next meeting:  thurs. March 8th, 5pm, Holloway Hall, room 347